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July 11, 2023 2 min read

With so many new brands on the market and a variety of directions to follow, It can be very complicated to choose which of these suggestions to apply to receive the best benefits from intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) therapy. 


THE STUDY: A recent study on the dose-response of oedema management specifically sought to determine the effects of various cuff pressure combinations, including 40, 50, and 60 mmHg at the gaiter and the foot, with lower pressures at the middle and upper-calf areas. The duration of each compression treatment was two hours, with a minimum of 46 hours between profiles. 

THE RESULTS: The maximum pressures of 60-mmHg graded IPC had the greatest effects for reducing oedema or swelling with 87 mL total reduction, but some subjects did experience some mild to moderate discomfort and pain. With graded IPC at 40 mmHg and 50 mmHg, limb volume was lowered by 43 mL and 69 mL, respectively, and the subjects regarded these profiles as comfortable or extremely comfortable. 

THE VERDICT:  With no documented adverse events for any of the treatments, the study describes the safety and tolerability of pneumatic compression therapy. Although two people reported pain when wearing a device solely at the highest pressure profile tested (60-mm Hg at the gaiter), these are considered mild and insignificant. 

According to the study mentioned above, higher pressures than lower pressures are more successful at managing oedema and swelling. Although pneumatic compression boots can exert greater pressure, it is important not simply to maximize the pressure but to identify the cuff pressure that achieves the best balance of effectiveness and tolerability. The optimal pressure profile, however, may vary between different devices and should be evaluated for each device individually. You can check out Recovapro Air by Recovapro and find out which programmed treatments will suit your needs.