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سبتمبر 04, 2022 2 min read

When athletes push themselves past their limits, not only is the body harmed, but also the mind.

Sport is about pushing yourself to the limit, especially with the goal of constant improvement. This is acceptable if athletes focus on their bodies' cues while exercising. Indeed, having more isn't necessarily a good thing. Overtraining prevents people from reaching their targeted training objectives and may cause performance to decline. Learn about overtraining here, including what it is, how it occurs, and how long you should recover after it.


Chronic sports stress is known in the industry as overtraining. It occurs when you push your body to hard training over an extended time, typically several weeks, without allowing enough time for recovery. As a result, your body becomes so worn out that even a few days of rest are insufficient for it to heal.

It is most likely that you overtrained when, despite frequent training, your level of performance stagnates or declines. This should raise red flags. However, you can restore balance through recovery as soon as you realize you are overtraining.

As an athlete, you should be aware of the physical symptoms and overtraining warning signals listed below:

  • Stiff or cramped muscles, as well as soreness that gets worse the more you train
  • A decline in sports performance, inability to train in usual intensity
  • Recurring injuries like muscle sprain and joint pains
  • Repeated illness like cold
  • High heart rate during rest
  • Excessive sweating
  • Appetite loss and weight loss


The first significant step is to realize that you’ve overtrained and pushed yourself too much in your sport. This is frequently challenging when getting ready for a competition. It won’t go away, though, until you’ve fully recovered. Recovery from overtraining should, on average, take as much time as the overtraining phase itself. The minimum time needed to recuperate from overtraining is three weeks.


You can actively reestablish your body with a few simple steps. At the beginning of the recovery phase, your body and immune system will be very weak and more prone to illness. As a result, you should try to strengthen your immune system. A balanced diet, enough sleep, and warm clothing can help with this. In this stage, it's also beneficial to take gentle recovery measures, such as light massages, gentle sauna sessions, and careful stretching. It's also essential to avoid stress, regularly wash your hands, avoid places and situations with lots of people, and so on, as this increases your risk of infection.