أبريل 21, 2021 3 min read

Does your weekday world consist of a desk, a phone, a computer, and a well-used chair? When you get out of your office chair at the end of a long day, do you feel as sore and tired as if you’ve just played a few rounds of volleyball or moved furniture? It’s no secret that desk jobs can wreak havoc on your body.  With a whopping 80% of us who work at jobs that are either sedentary or else require only light activity (compared to a mere 20% in 1960), the neck strains, slouching, and shoulder pain are an unfortunate reality for many of us. So how can you prevent desk job aches and pains without switching jobs? 

Workstation Ergonomics

Bad office ergonomics are common and they lead to many aches and pains. In 2015/16, half a million of us suffered from musculoskeletal disorders. Many of these aches and pains are caused by having an unsuitable desk layout, an uncomfortable chair, or from bending and reaching, thus forcing your body into awkward positions.

You can prevent ill-health from office ergonomics by paying particular attention to workspaces and display screen equipment.

  • Provide a footrest to support legs.
  • Use chairs with an adjustable height and back.
  • Position computer screens so you don’t have to crane or hunch forward to use them.

Benefits Of Recovapro For Office Workers

What are the benefits of Recovapro for office/laptop workers, and other professionals not normally thought of as ‘sporty’?

Working long, tiring hours at an office desk or laptop can easily result in a slumped posture, sore shoulders, stiff neck, and often a headache too!

It’s well known that Recovapro relieves stiff, sore, aching muscles for athletes. But it’s NOT as well known that stiff and sore muscles can be treated by the deep tissue massage inherent in Recovapro to benefit all people.

Benefits of Recovapro: 

1. Pain relief

Our muscles are made for movement; they don’t like it when they are held static for long periods of time. Recovapro can get those muscles moving; easing and softening, and making them more pliable and relaxed.

2. Movement/Mobility

Stiff neck and shoulders? Recovapro can restore movement and functionality in stiff and aching muscles. Our How-To videos will show you how to treat common pains & ailments

The benefits of Recovapro include effective treatment for lower back and neck pain!

3. Stress Relief

How stressful is pain? Very! No pain = less stress.

  1. Improved efficiency

It’s fair to say that it is not possible to be working at full efficiency when in pain from a bad back, a tension headache, or a migraine. A 2 minutes Recovapro session can allow you to return to work feeling better; with a focused mind; and a pain-free body.

5. Prevention of further pain

Our extensive Blogs and articles will teach you about your body and how to further improve your health. Our customer support team are available to answer all your questions in order to better understand your pain and how to prevent further pain.


What do our clients say about the benefits of Recovapro for office/Desk workers?

This product is a lifesaver. I suffer from chronic back pain due to being at my desk all day but having this close by provides instant relief. I would definitely recommend." - Isabelle White

"Goes deep into the muscle and does a great job at releasing tensions. Immediate relief and felt a massive difference after use." - Allan day


"The product is genuinely brilliant. It’s made a huge difference for me in just over a week of use." - Steven Quayle