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أبريل 21, 2021 3 min read

Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most disabling conditions affecting the aged population. It is considered the most common joint disease, and a leading cause of chronic disability in older adults, especially those that affect the knees — the most prevalent of all types of OA. Although the majority of the cases involve older adults, it is also seen affecting the younger age groups, particularly in young, obese women.

The incidence of knee OA increases with age. At the age of 60 years and above, about 13% of women and 10% of men experience symptoms of knee OA. These numbers are more likely due to the “wear and tear” of aging and the increasing cases of obesity and overweight. Joint pain is the most common complaint of patients with OA, and the number one cause of disability. Pain associated with knee OA is usually exacerbated by activity and relieved by rest, although it may also be present at rest or at night in cases where synovitis sets in.

Along with persistent knee pain, morning stiffness, and limited functionality complete the three symptoms that confirm the diagnosis of knee OA. Joint stiffness of less than 30-minute duration is reported in the morning or following inactivity. Other symptoms include crepitus or the audible and perceptible cracking sound during movement, limitations of joint motion, and bony enlargement around the joint, as well as joint tenderness and effusion.


Joint conditions, such as osteoarthritis, can be really painful and disabling, restricting an individual to perform his or her daily job and even preventing an individual to participate in any physical activities. Various remedies, particularly pharmacologic, are available but offer temporary relief, not to mention the adverse effects that may come along. Recovapro’s innovative vibration therapy can be a safer and effective alternative in the management of OA. It doesn’t just provide pain relief but also addresses other symptoms of OA by providing numerous physiologic and therapeutic effects.

It blocks pain signals going to the brain through the gate-control theory, thereby reducing pain perception.

This is a critical consideration since the main complaint of patients with knee OA is pain. Increasing pain threshold allows an increased tolerance to further management, specifically with the implementation of stretching and strengthening exercises.

The repeated burst of mechanical vibration enhances circulation, including blood, lymph, and other bodily fluids.

Increased circulation ensures an ample supply of oxygen and nutrients for joint health and repair, as well as allows movement of synovial fluid to lubricate the joint for smooth movements. Additionally, the increased blood flow flushes out toxins that might cause additional pain and also prevents or reduces the risk for edema formation.

Vibration promotes the production of proteoglycans.

Proteoglycans are important for cartilage function in locomotion and biomechanical stress absorption. It binds water molecules and provides resistance to compressive forces through its shock-absorbing capability. In OA, the reduced proteoglycan content decreases the compressive resistance of cartilage, thereby, exposing the joint to greater mechanical stress.

It stimulates the tonic vibration reflex, facilitating stronger muscle contraction.

The muscles around the knee are dynamic stabilizers. In OA, quadriceps muscle weakness is common and often considered in measuring the overall disability from OA. Vibration therapy improves muscle strength through the tonic vibration reflex. This mechanism involves rapid muscle stretching during vibration application, triggering the muscle spindles and causing an involuntary production of strength.

It relaxes tense muscles from the massaging effect.

Soft tissue inflammation may be present and involves the surrounding muscles, causing them to feel tense. The massaging effect provides pain relief and increases blood flow to alleviate tension on the surrounding muscles,  reducing the overall joint stiffness.

How to Use Recovapro Massage Gun on Your Knee Osteoarthritis?

The knee joint is surrounded by many bony bumps, including the knee cap. To allow Recovapro to maneuver around the joint, the ball-head attachment is ideal for treatment as it allows more control in the amount of pressure applied using the massage gun. Follow these guidelines when using Recovapro on your knee osteoarthritis:

  • Set the intensity to low, preferably intensity 1, to minimize additional compressive force.
  • Gently stroke the areas around the knee with light pressure to stimulate the receptors and achieve the desired effect. Don’t apply too much pressure. Just lightly glide the gun over the skin. Limit treatment time around the joint to 30 seconds.
  • You may extend the treatment to the surrounding muscles to decrease the tension around the joint and to activate the dynamic stabilization of the knee. Glide longitudinally or perform cross-fiber technique by stroking side to side along the length of the quadriceps and hamstrings. Treat both muscle groups for at least 60 seconds each